Alright everyone the time has come and finally I leave for the Peace Corps tomorrow morning! I'll be in Philadelphia for three days then leave for Niger, West Africa on Wednesday after all my lovely vaccinations. (oh joy) I still don't feel like this journey is about to happen. It's weird to think that I've finished college and on to the next chapter in my life.
I'll be honest these past couple of weeks were not easy. I truly underestimated how hard it would be to leave the people I love. However, my last week at home was great! Got to bring in the new year with friends, celebrate my best friends 22nd birthday and got to spend the weekend with a very special man and my family.
Everyone.Please! Please! Please! write to me as many letters as you can and remember to number them. My address is posted on the left and please watch for blog up-dates. I don't know the next time I'll be able to post, hopefully in a couple of weeks. I'll also add more photos and albums, but a few photos are up that were taken recently.
Well thats all for now! Hopefully everything with Peace Corps will be a success and I'll be back March 2010!
I'm excited for you! Hang in there and don't forget to update this page as often as possible. I'll be reading.
God Bless and good luck!
kalayleeee!!! i found you! I MISS YOU SO MUCH!! I learned how to create a blog and ill upload photos soon so you can see them, and you have to do the same! I can't believe you're really there, and i hate it that I can't pick up the phone and find you! I'll write you lots of letters my dear... hope you are safe & well.... can't wait to hear from you!
Hey you,
Hope all is well over there and you are adapting well...
Wondering how long it takes to get letters, and if you can actually access the Internet... If so, lemme know if/when that letter arrived (trying to figure out how long it takes)
Well? Whats the deal? Kicked it with any chimps yet? Whats the weather like? Food? So many questions. I will write you soon. I miss you. I was riding down the road and didn't have anything to do so I was about to call you and then I realized that you are in Africa.
hey miss you lots. im glad we got to hang out in chapel hill that day- it was fun! sorry i am sucky on the letter writing so far, but im writing you one and sending it out tomorrow! hope you are safe & sound and happy in africa! love, h
A part of me feels so far away.....
I miss you like woah & hope you enjoying your African adventure.
I heard something about bucket baths..? is there any way you can get a picture of that?
I know you've heard it a million times but be safe & take care of yourself out there.
Much love to you my darling
Bucket baths? Did someone say "bucket baths?" I, like whomever this so called L Boog person is, agree that a picture of the bucket bath technique would be highly informative.
missing you. seriously. no bullshit.
Things are good here. I added an African Weather and an African News thing to my webhomepage. From what I see your daily forecast is "Hot. Dusty. Windy." I hope that you are finding your way into things over there and that you stay far away from any trouble. Thank you for my postcard. It made me very happy to hear from you. I intend on writing you a letter. But who knows, you may not read this before you get the letter. Anyway. Im rambling. Send more info. Especially bucket bath pics to satisfy that pervert LBoog.
lots of love,
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