Alright everyone the time has come and finally I leave for the Peace Corps tomorrow morning! I'll be in Philadelphia for three days then leave for Niger, West Africa on Wednesday after all my lovely vaccinations. (oh joy) I still don't feel like this journey is about to happen. It's weird to think that I've finished college and on to the next chapter in my life.
I'll be honest these past couple of weeks were not easy. I truly underestimated how hard it would be to leave the people I love. However, my last week at home was great! Got to bring in the new year with friends, celebrate my best friends 22nd birthday and got to spend the weekend with a very special man and my family.
Everyone.Please! Please! Please! write to me as many letters as you can and remember to number them. My address is posted on the left and please watch for blog up-dates. I don't know the next time I'll be able to post, hopefully in a couple of weeks. I'll also add more photos and albums, but a few photos are up that were taken recently.
Well thats all for now! Hopefully everything with Peace Corps will be a success and I'll be back March 2010!